Welcome to the largest collection of modern lithic art for sale and show!

We are a group of highly skilled flintknappers that specialize in replicating stone tools and creating lithic art. Our unique hand-made items are intended to be displayed or used. If you collect high quality lithic artwork, please browse our galleries.
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Brier Creek Hardin
Made from a colorful piece of Coastal Plains chert from B...
Basics of Flintknapping DVD by Jim Winn
Length: 1 Hour 46 Minutes Price is $20 with shipping. Pa...
Beautiful colors in this exceptional piece of Brier Creek...
TH Collection - Jim Hopper Catahoula
From the Houseweart collection comes this Jim Hopper Cata...
Modern Flintknapping Techniques, 2 DVD set
This is a 2 DVD set which includes the best and most popu...
TH Collection Danish Dagger - Unknown
A classic Danish Dagger that exhibits punch stitching on ...
Large polka-dot spear tip
Here is a 7 and 1/8th long spear point made from some sup...
Large Flat Rate Box Raw TIger Chert
This is all new stock of raw Tiger Chert rough. As this ...
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Flint River Knapping

I am based in Macon GA. I'm an avid knapper and also a rock vendor. Come check out my store and see my wares!
I accept PayPal, USPS money orders, and personal checks. If paid by check or money order I do not ship until the check or money order clears. I can also send a credit card invoice for those who don't have PayPal.
Shipping charges for most points is $5 larger points $10 and knives are $15
This Store is under maintenance and will be available soon.Please come back later.