Welcome to the largest collection of modern lithic art for sale and show!

We are a group of highly skilled flintknappers that specialize in replicating stone tools and creating lithic art. Our unique hand-made items are intended to be displayed or used. If you collect high quality lithic artwork, please browse our galleries.
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Website and Ordering Questions
Q: How do I get in touch with a particular knapper?
A: Many knappers provide their email address and/or phone number in their gallery (at the top of the gallery page).

Q: An item I ordered is marked “pending sale” but, I have not been contacted/invoiced. Is something wrong?
A: Probably not. While some knappers will contact you the same day as you order, some do not check their email as often as others. Please allow up to two days for a gallery owner to get in touch with you about your order. If no one has contacted you after three days, please contact michael@flintknappers.com for more information on your order.

Q: Will you combine to save shipping costs?
A: Many knappers will combine items to save you on shipping cost. Sometimes this may not be feasible.  For example, if you order a flat rate box full of flint, you would not want a point shipped with the rock.

Q: How do I make a PayPal purchase?
A: Just select PayPal as your payment preference when you checkout. Your order will be processed on a secure checkout page on PayPal's website. Once the payment is submitted the knapper/gallery owner will send out your order and contact you via email with a tracking number.

Q: I don't have PayPal, is payment by check or money order okay?
A: Yes, it's not as quick but all our galleries will accept payment by check or money order. They do not ship an order until the payment arrives and clears.

Q: I haven't received the product I ordered ?
A:  There might be a delay in processing your order due to many reasons. In such instances where you face unexpected delay please try to contact the seller through emails or the contact details provided . If you have made prepayments for the product the gallery owner is bound to provide you the product or refund (citing sufficient reasons ). In worst case you can request a refund in your PayPal account for the payments you made(But our advice is to wait for a reasonable amount of time).  If the gallery owner doesn't respond, you can contact us, in which scenario we will try to contact them for you and provide an amicable resolution . 
Nb: We merely act as a platform to connect Gallery owners(Sellers) and Customers(Buyers). Buying and Selling happens directly between you and the gallery owners. We do not guarantee the quality, quantity or prompt delivery of the product as we do not charge you or the sellers for the same .We are obliged to provide a sound and a working platform for the sellers to display their works and allow to notify about a purchase that you would like to make to the seller and if at all  you make any payments that directly goes to the seller's account .

Q: How do I unsubscribe from a gallery mailing list?
A: You'll find a unsubscribe link at the bottom of every gallery update email. You can manage your gallery update email subscriptions if you have a customer account.

Q: An item in my cart says it is not available for purchase and will not let me checkout.Why is this happening?
A: On occasion when two customers are shopping the website and one has placed an item in their cart but, hasn't checked out yet the website code prevents another customer from purchasing the same item in the other shopping cart. The cart holds an item as long as the customer is logged in and shopping. If that first customer decides not to buy an item the website will make it available to purchase again after they log out or leave the website.

Q: Are the points sold on Flintknappers.com signed by the knapper?
A: Yes, we advise all the knappers to sign their work. Many sign with ink or a diamond scribe or both. There are several very good reasons to buy signed work; points that are signed and dated make your modern collection more valuable, the knapper is not forgotten, a signed point has a significantly lower chance of being considered a prehistoric artifact.

Flintknapping Questions
Q: How can I get started in flintknapping?
A: There are numerous flintknapping groups and many sponsor a yearly gathering called a knap-in. This is your best resource to get acquainted with flintknappers, rock and tool vendors, and archaeologists. Check out our Events page for an up to date listing of knap-ins. Also, be sure to visit YouTube and watch the numerous flintknapping videos. We highly recommend paleomanjim -  Jim Winn and flintknappingtips – Marty Rueter. Several good books have been written on flintknapping. You can find these in our Amazon bookstore.

Q: Where do you get flint?
A: Most flintknappers dig their own flint, but many sell it too. The best place to get flint is from an experienced knapper at a knap-in or online.  They can lend you their wisdom and understanding of the stone to keep you from stone with numerous cracks, vugs, inclusions and other problems.  Many knappers will ship a USPS medium flat rate box full of good knappable rock for around $3 per pound.

Q: What stones are used in flintknapping?
A: There are numerous types of stone that can be flintknapped. All of the types have one trait in common:  conchoidal fracture. This unique type of fracture occurs in stones that are very fine grained or amorphous solids. A short list includes flint, chert, obsidian, jasper, chalcedony, agate, opal and some rhyolites.  Manmade materials include glass and porcelain.

Q: How long does it take to make an arrowhead?
A: The time invested in making an arrowhead can range dramatically. This is based on the experience of the flintknapper and on the lithic material, size of the point, type, and technology they are replicating. A skilled flintknapper can make a small arrow point in 30 minutes or can spend several hours on a large spear point or knife blade.

Q: Can I make my own tools?
A: Yes, you’ll find several good YouTube videos on making modern and primitive knapping tools. It can be argued that you can shorten your learning curve by using tools made by an experienced flintknapper; many students of flintknapping struggle until they find a tool that has the proper weight, balance, and density. You’ll find nearly every type of modern flintknapping tool on Mark Bracken’s website: http://www.flintknappingtools.com

Q: What is heat treatment?
A: The process of altering chert with controlled heating to ultimately make the stone easier to knap and in some cases more glossy and colorful. Not all materials can or need to be heat treated.

Collecting Modern Lithic Art Questions
Q: Do flintknappers sign their work?
A: Many knappers sign their work using a diamond scribe or archival ink pen. A signed point will always be more collectible. Be sure to ask the knapper to sign their work after you place your order.

Q: Can I sell my modern knapped point collection on FlintKnappers.com even if I didn’t make them?
A: Yes, please contact michael@flintknappers.com or by phone to discuss the details.

Safety Questions
Q: Can stone tools (arrowheads) be used?
A: Yes, the majority of stone tool replicas will work just as well as the prehistoric version. The edges are very sharp and will easily cut flesh. In some cases the material (e.g. glass) used to make the replica may not hold up to tasks like flint would. If you have a certain task in mind for the stone tool, say bow hunting, ask the flintknapper for recommendations on lithic material and point type.

Q: Are stone knives dangerous?
A: Yes, these knives are just as sharp as kitchen knives and in some cases they are sharper. Please use caution handling a stone knife. Using a stone knife blade is different from a metal knife; bending forces from prying with the stone blade will cause breakage. Also, small flakes may be removed when cutting hard materials, be sure to watch for these and remove them from processed food.