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Modern Flintknapping Techniques, 2 DVD set

Total visits 9309
Added Date: Oct 27, 2024 @ 10:46am
Gallery: Paleomanjim
Price: $30.00 Status: Available
This is a 2 DVD set which includes the best and most popular videos I have posted on Youtube. Learn how to use an Ishi stick, work slabs, notching, make a small arrowhead, winged points, isolated platforms, thinning bifaces and much more. Nearly 4 hours of instruction. Many knappers have learned to flintknapp exclusively using these videos alone!
Price is $30 shipped for the 2 DVD set. Paypal, check, or money order.

Includes the following:
Modern Flintknapping Techniques 1
Disc 1: 2 hours

Ishi Stick Pressure flaking � 39 Minutes
Shows how to use the Ishi stick to pressure flake a biface.

Flintknapping Slabs � 30 Minutes
Describes several different methods and techniques to work
slabs into points.

Narrow Entry Notching (Ishi/Wintu) � 16 Minutes
Shows how to make a narrow entry notch on a desert side notch

Winged Gem Point Notching (Gunther/Columbia) � 27 Minutes
Demonstrates how to make notched Gem points with long wings,
similar to Gunther and Columbia River types.

My Flintknapping Journey � 10 minutes
An entertaining segment showing my points from the past 30 years as well as trade points from other knappers with bluegrass music!

Modern Flintknapping Techniques 2
Disc 2: 1 hours 55 minutes

Cahokia Point � 38 Minutes -
Shows how to make a small Cahokia Arrowhead. A flake is first
removed from a biface using percussion, then the flake is pressure flaked into a small arrowhead.

Isolated Platforms � 28 Minutes
Demonstrates the benefits of isolated platforms and shows how
to prepare them. Shows their use from initial reduction to the final
finishing stages

Making a Super Thin Biface�49 Min
Shows how to make a super thin biface from a raw chunk of flint.
Also shows casts of originals such as the Walnut Creek biface and the Sweetwater biface along with some modern made ones.
Overshot flaking is demonstrated.
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