www.flintknappingtools.com |
Your best source for high quality flintknapping tools. |
Flint Knapping e-book |
This e-book can be downloaded, printed, copied, and distributed free of charge. The only restriction is that you may not sell it. |
Ancestral Knowledge |
Ancestral Knowledge uses nature and the wilderness as its classroom to connect our students with the ancient skills of our past. We teach knapping classes and other wilderness survival and primitive technology topics. |
Thunderbird Atlatl |
Thunderbird Atlatl is the world’s foremost atlatl manufacturer, owned and operated by Bob and Cheryll Berg. |
Neolithics |
Worldwide Flintknapping Tools and Supplies Distributor located in Quapaw, Oklahoma. |
GoKnapping.com |
Supplier of flintknapping kits and many other traditional supplies for crafts. |
JTs Knapping Jigs |
A great jig for the beginner, pro, and disabled flintknapper who chips slabs. |
Genesee Valley Flint Knappers Association Website |
Incorporated in 1994 and based in the beautiful Genesee River Valley of Western New York, the GVFKA is an association of individuals who share a passion for primitive skills. |
Flint Knapping Facebook Group |
The largest group on Facebook focused on flintknapping. |
Megalithics |
Larry Kinsella's website featuring numerous experimental archeology articles and great information on Midwest archaeology. |
The Art of Ishi |
Mike Cook, a flintknapper and scrimshander who designs and creates knives and jewelry for collectors around the world. |
Flintknapping Spalls |
Your source for the highest quality knappable rock. |