Welcome to the largest collection of modern lithic art for sale and show!

We are a group of highly skilled flintknappers that specialize in replicating stone tools and creating lithic art. Our unique hand-made items are intended to be displayed or used. If you collect high quality lithic artwork, please browse our galleries.
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Modern Flintknapping Techniques, 2 DVD set
This is a 2 DVD set which includes the best and most popu...
Basics of Flintknapping DVD by Jim Winn
Length: 1 Hour 46 Minutes Price is $20 with shipping. Pa...
Large Flat Rate Box Raw TIger Chert
This is all new stock of raw Tiger Chert rough. As this ...
Brier Creek Hardin
Made from a colorful piece of Coastal Plains chert from B...
TH Collection - Steve Norman Northern Side Notch
From the Houseweart Collection comes this astounding serr...
TH Collection Danish Dagger - Unknown
A classic Danish Dagger that exhibits punch stitching on ...
TH Collection - Jim Hopper Catahoula
From the Houseweart collection comes this Jim Hopper Cata...
Awesome Dovetail
This awesome dovetail point was made by Jeremy Parker and...
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Poverty Hollow Knapping

God put the beauty in the stone. All I do is change the shape. My name is Wes Hobbs. I have been knapping for 28 yrs, and have enjoyed making all types of points from Paleo to Mississippian since i was 16 yrs old. I live in the hills of Eastern Kentucky just a few miles from the Red River Gorge geological area. I use all types of manufacture in my knapping. I work both rough stone and slabs, and use both copper and antler tools, depending on my mood and my setting.
Please feel free to email me with any comments or questions about my points.

Email: Hobbs0415@yahoo.com

Wesley Hobbs
4254 Ky. 715
Campton, Ky. 41301
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