Welcome to the largest collection of modern lithic art for sale and show!

We are a group of highly skilled flintknappers that specialize in replicating stone tools and creating lithic art. Our unique hand-made items are intended to be displayed or used. If you collect high quality lithic artwork, please browse our galleries.
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Scottsbluff type 1
Made from beautiful Coastal Plains chert from Brier Creek...
Large Flat Rate Box Raw TIger Chert
This is all new stock of raw Tiger Chert rough. As this ...
Paperthin Calf Creek
16/1 width to thickness ratio calf creek point. Knapped f...
Bullseye Simpson
Made from beautiful semi translucent Coastal Plains chert...
Abo Flintknapping DVD
This DVD is for knappers who want to learn flintknapping ...
Modern Flintknapping Techniques, 2 DVD set
This is a 2 DVD set which includes the best and most popu...
TH Collection - Steve Norman Northern Side Notch
From the Houseweart Collection comes this astounding serr...
Succor Creek Jasper Columbia Plateau Arrowhead
So dark green, that it looks black, this point is a keepe...
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My name is Jim Miller and I live in western Washington State. As a geologist and knapper, my specialty is making a wide variety of knapped point styles using a diversity of natural geologic materials from North America and around the world. I have been knapping (or trying to knap) for more than 35 years. But my skills really advanced when I started attending some local knap-ins about 20 years ago.

My points have been featured in many of the knapping calendars by Derek McLean, as well as the first publication of the Lithic Artists Guild.

I authored and produced a very informative CD book regarding the various types of knappable stone, which is for sale on this web site. In addition, I authored an article on knappable stone for Rock & Gem magazine (March 2011 edition).

If you would like to view some of my favorite points that I have knapped over the years, please do a web search for Puget Sound Knappers, find the member profiles tab, and click on my name (sorry, the URL link does not work on this web site).

Domestic shipping will be by USPS Priority Mail at $10 per shipment.
The USPS has changed their shipping rules again. Unfortunately, the USPS no longer allows shipment of Priority Mail boxes from home mail boxes with postage stamps. All of my shipping boxes now must be mailed from a USPS facility (not my home). This is a major hassle for me and means that I won't be shipping as promptly as before. Furthermore, with the new rules, increased mailing costs, and the need for driving to and from the Post Office, I am forced to increase the costs for shipping from $9 to $10. I am happy to combine shipping with multiple point purchases. Shipping costs are more manageable if multiple points are purchased at once.

Free tumble-polished stones are included in the shipping box for repeat purchasers. If you want to reach me by phone, try me on my cell phone at (206) 930-9107 and leave me a message.

Thanks for looking at my stone artwork.

email: goldnpoint@comcast.net
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