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Taconite Jasper Lanceolate, Lakehead Complex

Total visits 794
Added Date: May 25, 2018 @ 12:06pm
Gallery: Zhimaa'igan
Price: $55.00 Status: Sold
Dimensions: L ~3" × W ~1.125" × T ~ 0.25"
This is a replica of a late-paleo point, of the Lakehead Complex, around northwest Lake Superior, made of raw taconite jasper from there. That area, in the late-paleo period became a cultural meeting zone, a melting pot; as the glaciers receded, leaving behind huge lakes which covered much of the central part of Canada, and new coursing waterways, which joined in that area. People from the east, west, and south, following along these ancient waterways, met there, and their tool-styles mingled.
Caribou, often ambushed at water-crossing sites, we're the main quarry.
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