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Small Clovis, Knife River Flint

Total visits 776
Added Date: May 25, 2018 @ 7:07pm
Gallery: Zhimaa'igan
Price: $30.00 Status: Sold
This is a replica of a Clovis point, made of Knife River Flint.

This material was traded widely through prehistory of the Americas. There are several 'pulse' periods when this material was traded northwards in considerable quantities, and nearly the whole of the paleolithic was the largest such pulse. There are several varieties of brown chalcedony across the Northern Plains, but those from North Dakota are some of the largest and most consistent in quality.

Though many larger Clovis points have been found, I suspect most of those were in fact intended as knives or ceremonial offerings. For penetrating deeply through tough hide, a smaller cross-section is better. Actual spears were more likely tipped with stone points such as this.
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