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Replica Ishi Grizzly Bear Hiding Place Arrow

Total visits 329
Added Date: Jan 25, 2023 @ 3:01pm
Gallery: Allely Arts
Price: $160.00 Status: Sold
Dimensions: 30 1/2"
This is a very accurate replica of Hearst Museum Ishi Arrow specimen # 1-19579 and is one of Ishi's hunting arrows taken from Grizzly Bear's Hiding Place camp on Deer Creek in 1908. It is tipped with a glass window pane point like Ishi's originals. The main shaft is syringa and the 8" fore shaft is made of service berry and glued into its nock with pitch. Dark blue pigment and red earth ochre are used to copy Ishi's arrow crest. Feathers and point are lashed with deer sinew. The original feathering is vulture so Canada goose secondary wing feathers were substituted for legal purposes and look identical to the old arrow fletchings.. This arrow is signed. I don't make too many of these.
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