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Northern Plano, Swan River Chert

Total visits 473
Added Date: May 25, 2018 @ 6:32pm
Gallery: Zhimaa'igan
Price: $35.00 Status: Sold
This is a replica of a Nipawin Complex point, of the Northern Plano forms, made of a quartzy piece of lightly heat-treated Swan River Chert, from western Manitoba.

These "Agate Basin-like" lanceolate forms persisted in the Canadian Boreal region for thousands of years later than further south.

Because of the intense scouring of our geology by the glaciers during the last Ice Age, these points are often made with the tough materials left, which would be often unsuitable for the early notched forms in use elsewhere during that time, perhaps that is why this form persisted here. Some have suggested that the cultural practices of these ancient hunters were in many respects quite similar to their paleolithic highly-mobile hunter-gatherer ancestors, and so that may be another reason for the conservatism of the tool style.

Caribou, moose and some woods bison were the main presumed quarry of the users of these tools, but because of the high soil acidity, caused by millennia of fallen conifer needles, preservation of many bones to confirm that are quite rare.
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