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Middle Period Atlatl Points, Taconite Jasper

Total visits 383
Added Date: May 25, 2018 @ 3:20pm
Gallery: Zhimaa'igan
Price: $40.00 Status: Sold
Dimensions: L~ 1 7/8" x W~ 7/8"
These are replicas of Middle Period Atlatl Dart Points, both made of Taconite Jasper, from near Thunder Bay, Ontario.
They are nearly identical in length and width, though the shape and temporal context of the styles differ.

The corner-notched is in the 'Pelican Lake' style, common to the North central Plains and Parklands around 3,000 years ago, I suspect this type was used by the ancestors of some Western and Central dialect Algonquian-speaking people's, but I have no simple proof of that.
The side-notched point is a style similar to those common across the continent, from around 7,000 to 5,000 years ago. Where I live in the Central Canadian Prairies, they are sometimes called "Gowen" points, and generally date to between 6,000 and 5,000 years ago. This style came to predominate here during hypsithermal climatic event, which caused environmental and cultural upheaval on the Plains. During this period of colder drier climate, river and creek valleys, rich in biodiversity, served as ecological islands, as refugia, to help people survive. I wouldn't wager a guess at any specific descendents, they must be quite numerous and wide-spread now.
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