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Basketmaker II Atlatl and darts set

Total visits 2914
Added Date: Jul 01, 2014 @ 9:05am
Gallery: Paleoarts
Price: $165.00 Price Reduced Status: Sold
The Basketmaker II culture ranged all over the Great Basin some two thousand years ago. They grew corn and beans and hunted big horn sheep in the deserts and canyons of the American southwest with a truly unique spear thrower. Thin, light, and with curious finger loops fashioned from leather or rawhide and strange stone weights attached, it's like no other atlatl on the planet. The darts associated with the BMII tend to be shorter and lighter than one would expect for use against such large prey as elk and big horn, and yet it seems that these ingenious folks knew exactly what they were doing. Think small caliber, high velocity rifle round versus a larger, slower slug and you'll get the picture. The unique design and grip of the BMII makes for a lightning fast delivery. The version pictured here is my artistic take on this iconic thrower. Made from beautiful cocobolo with finger loops of rawhide wrapped around a leather core and a striped granite weight attached with deer sinew. Comes with three custom 5 1/2' cane darts. (thrower alone, $115)
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