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Agate Black Rock Concave Point

Total visits 347
Added Date: Feb 01, 2023 @ 8:49pm
Gallery: Allely Arts
Price: $35.00 Status: Sold
Dimensions: 3 1/4" 1 1/8"
This is a Western paleo point known as a Black Rock Concave so named for the region they are found in and around Nevada's Black Rock Desert.. These are thought to be possible western version of the Cody complex, or older and are akin to a Midland point. They are thin and exhibit basal grinding and polishing and are not fluted although they sometimes have fairly good sized basal thinning flakes. This is made out of a dark agate found in Northern Nevada. It looks like dacite obsidian but is shows a translucent agate edge when held up to light.
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