Welcome to the largest collection of modern lithic art for sale and show!

We are a group of highly skilled flintknappers that specialize in replicating stone tools and creating lithic art. Our unique hand-made items are intended to be displayed or used. If you collect high quality lithic artwork, please browse our galleries.
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Dragon Skin Folsom
Check out this beautiful Folsom made from Dragon skin obs...
Made from beautiful pumpkin obsidian! Serrated sharp, haf...
Succor Creek Jasper Columbia Plateau Arrowhead
So dark green, that it looks black, this point is a keepe...
TH Collection- Jim Spears Ovoid Knife
From the Houseweart collection comes this Ovoid knife mad...
Bullseye Simpson
Made from beautiful semi translucent Coastal Plains chert...
Abo Flintknapping DVD
This DVD is for knappers who want to learn flintknapping ...
Made from beautiful Coastal Plains chert from Brier Creek...
Danish flint dagger
Danish dagger knapped from true Danish flint I acquired l...
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